Stock news sentiment vs Stock Price
November 10Viv Penninti and Ravi Koka, Co-Founders, Stocksnips Inc
Is Stock Sentiment a Leading Indicator of St
…Ravi Koka, Founder, Stocksnips Inc
Role of technology in the evolution of the stock market
Witch of Wall Street
July 28Henrietta Howland "Hetty" Green (née Robinson; November 21, 1834 – July 3, 1916),[1] nicknamed the "Witch of Wall Street", was an American businesswoman and financier known as "the richest woman in America" during the Gilded Age.
Stocksnips Basics3
July 28News Feed screen
Another interesting feature of the App is the News Feed icon on the task bar. Selec…
Stocksnips Basics4
July 28Analysis Screen - Filter option:
Users are typically interested in specific information based on the…
Stocksnips Basics2
July 28Analysis Screen Tapping on the company in your portfolio screen takes you to the analysis screen. Th…
When news of the Brexit vote broke, the financial media went into an overdrive of speculation bordering on hysteria. There was much talk about potentially devastating scenarios, including “turmoil“ to global markets.
Stocksnips Basics
July 28Portfolio Screen - This is the first screen you see when you login. It’s your dashboard for monitori…
Intelligent app makes tracking stock news easier; Personal financial assistant in your pocket
June 14Pittsburgh, PA June 14, 2016: StockSnips Inc today announced the release of its intelligent personal…
Stock prices change every day as a result of market forces. By this we mean that share prices change…